Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The prevention and treatment of malaria is one of the most serious health challenges facing the world today. Three times as many children die from malaria each year than die from AIDS (HIV). It is estimated that over 900 million people have the disease in Africa, with between 350 to 500 million new cases each year. Of these, 2.7 million will die, most of them children. It is estimated that a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds.
The Malaria Foundation reports that, “each year, the world over, malaria destroys, through premature death and disability, the equivalent of at least 35 million years of healthy productive human life.” The disease is no longer confined to Africa. The entire world population living between the latitude of 40 degrees north and south of the equator, is now at risk. Sixty percent of the earth’s population lives inside this 40-40 window, making the total population at risk approximately 3.8 billion people.

Through its relationship with Nutronix International, the “Save A Child” campaign will get the New Silver Solution, to the people in the world who need it the most, the children in Africa, beginning in the country of Ghana. As far as can be determined, The New Silver Solution is the only product available in the world today that eliminates the disease causing parasite from the blood and does not just put the disease in remission.

You can purchase a bottle of The New Silver Solution for $10 and donate it to the “Save A Child” campaign. Nutronix International will match your purchase with a second bottle, so your gift will save the lives of at least two children.

I am hoping that everyone in Nutronix will participate in this incredibly important cause- the lives of thousands of children are literally depending on it.

Bob Bremner
Nutronix International

1. Go to
2. Products- Save A Child
3. Add to order cart

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Splenda, Sucralose Study - Shocking Potential Harm

New Study of Splenda and Sucralose Reveals Shocking New Information About Potential Harmful Effect on Humans


Network Marketing on NBC!

Check out this great video aired recently on NBC

Saturday, March 28, 2009

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Networking Provides A Better Quality of Income

Earning $3000 in your own networking business is better than earning $3000 working for someone else. You don't have to build a business for someone else. You're building your own!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Need More Energy?

Acai Supreme Benefits

The following are just some of the reported benefits of taking Nutronix International's Acai Supreme. Results vary from person to person, but benefits can be felt in one-two weeks of usage:

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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Skin Care and Nutritional Companion Products

Search for your skin problem and recommendation for Atria facial product and Nutronix wellness products


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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Causes of Psoriasis.

Click Here for an Introduction to Psoriasis, Causes and Natural Recommendation.

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Network Marketers, MLMers

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